How to convince your parents to allow you to play cricket

You look dream every day and night to become a cricketer, but your parent doesn’t allow you to play, they are against to make a career in cricket. They want you to focus on study and don’t waste time on the sport.
Are you frustrated?
I understand you can be frustrated.
Parents are not wrong, they have multiple reasons to not allow you for it. Parents want an easy and successful like for their children. They want you to focus on study, get good marks in the exam and then either settle with a good job or join family business.
5 reasons why parents don’t allow to make career in cricket
- Poor in academics
- Fear of failure
- Their dream
- Expensive
- Injury
Poor in academics
One of the reason is, you will get distraction from your school studies and that might cause you a poor performance in school exams.
It is the valid reason, If you read about many of the successful cricketers, many of them did not complete their graduate. They are now successful so it does not matter but what if they do not get success?
Fear of failure
It is the biggest reason to not allowing for career in cricket. What if you did not get success in cricket.
What will you do after that?
That is a kind of fear parent has, you would have to overcome this fear. We will read later in ths article what you should do to overcome this fear.
Their dream
Well, sometimes parent choose a career at the time of your birth, A very common you hear around you “Mera beta bada hoke doctor banega (My son would be a doctor) even though son doesn’t have interest in medicine.
Every sport needs some money to invest in equipment, training fee, diet etc. It might be out of budget of your parent.
Cricket is the outdoor game and you might get injuries while playing. You may find some parents over possessive, and they have a fear that if you would play outdoor games, you might get injured.
Now, the question is how you can convince your parent if they do not agree with you.
There is the two major decision of our life where our parents are too emotional.
- Your career
- Relationship
Well, it’s very obvious to be worried as they seen a lot of failures surrounding them and do not want you to face that. They want you to live the life without any hassle, they want a good career and a perfect life partner for you.
Nothing wrong in this. After all, they are our parents and they are taking care of us for many years.
Things go wrong when they pre-decide our career. They want to see you doctor but you want to be a cricketer.
When expectations mismatch then it becomes a problem for both.
When this mismatch happens you might hear “Sharma ji ka ladka” kind of dialogue every day.
In the case of mismatching expectations, your parent thinks you are spoiling your precious time in the sport.
Either you would compromise or it will start the argument between you and your parents.
If you are pretty convinced to pursue your career in cricket then put 100% force to make your argument stronger
Remember, They are more experienced than you, they might have strong arguments to convince you.
So don’t just start discussion without your homework.
So what I should do to convince them? Still, unanswered.
7 tips to convince your parent.
- Convince yourself First
- Start focus on studies
- Show your skills
- Talk-watch about the cricket
- Become a solution, instead of problem
- Know more about path to become a cricketer
- Wait for the perfect time
Convince yourself first
Convince yourself that you are really passionate about making career in cricket. Don’t take this decision just because your friends going to cricket academy.
If you are choosing cricket as a career, you must have to see where you stand. If you are a bowler then how efficiently you bowled in your age group. If you are a batsman then ask yourself how efficiently you bat in your age group? How much you know about basic techniques of cricket batting?
And, then ask a question to yourself, are you enjoy the cricket or just play as your friends play that?
Start focus on studies
What…studies? I am reading this to be a cricketer not to be a doctor, engineer…
If you read this article, I said the first fear of the parents is that you might perform poorly in your academics and that might affect your career.
So, If you wanna something you desire then be ready for sacrifices.
Decide at least 1-3hrs per day for self-studies apart from homework.
I am becoming harsh, I know…it is tough but best solution to convince parents.
I am also a parent of 2 kids and will like if they start study ourselves even will proud 🙂
By doing this, you are helping them to overcome the fear of poor performance in academics.
Show your skills
You want to be a cricketer and going to talk about this to your parents. Won’t it be good if you go with some figures for your performance in cricket? Whenever you do good in your local cricket or in school cricket, share it with your parent proactively.
Discuss with them about your appreciation if you get in a match.
Parents always enjoy the appreciation of their kid.
Talk-watch about the cricket
Instead of the cartoons or movies, start watching matches, highlights whenever you get time to watch TV. Do a good discussion about cricket with your parents.
Become a solution, instead of problem
Start chatting about cricket with your parents. Ask them what you should do to become a cricketer and try to know what they think about that. If they are positive for cricket, you win the half battle.
If they think negative about the cricket, it’s gonna be a tough challenge for you.
If negative then find out what fear they have, and try to find out the solution for that.
If they want to you to choose career in something else which you are not looking for then show how poor you are in that, show you don’t have interest in that.
Tell them, you want to be a cricketer.
Tell them, you would not compromise with your studies.
Tell them, how you would save time for your studies.
If they are worried about expenses then you also should be worried on that. You do your homework how much it would cost and can your parents afford it. Provide them a solution, don’t become a problem for them.
Know more about path to become a cricketer
You should do your homework to know the path how to become a cricketer. The first step would be to join a cricket academy to learn the basics of the cricket so find out the cricket academy near you, get to know about fees, fees payment schedule, transportation etc. So, when you talk to your parents, you know what you are talking.
Wait for the perfect time
You already set up the base from point “start focus on studies” and point “Show your skills”. They now started noticing that you are becoming sincere and doing the right things and that give them confidence that you can take good decision too.
So far, they also might notice your interest in cricket.
Talk to them that you want to become a cricketer.
Tell them about academies in your city and admission process, fees etc.
It’s fact that you can not become cricketer without help of your parent.
You will need some money to spend on equipment, training etc and being a kid your parents are only, who can pay for these.
A sportsperson never gives up. They find out the way to cross the hurdle and win the game.
You will not give up if you are a real sportsperson. You would try your 100% to convince your parents and will make them partner to fulfill your dream.
All the best
Thanks for reading 🙂
Thank you for this advice Sir.
I was looking for such an article for many days.🙏🏻🙏🏻
Thank you!!
sir, i am class I to want to become a cricketer how to convince my pared they always say study study study 😔😔😔😔
Sir, there is a request that please share more articles like this, I will wait.
Hi Respected Sir/madam
if your reading this comment i will be Honour for that. I want to tell you that i also want to become a cricketer.
i also want to work in cricket field, i will never stand back in that time “I PROMISE MY SELF IN THAT AND I BELIEVE IN MY SELF”.
i have equipment of cricket. i have a hang ball in my house. But still i’m lagging behind because ,playing with hang ball will not improve my cricket skills,
so i need some coach who can tell me my mistakes in my batting. As i want to become a batsman or all rounder. pls help me with that…..
THAT ITS i want from you Sir/Madam……..
i’m in 9th class
Thanks & Regards
Find out a cricket academy near you.
I want to become a cricketer but my parents are not allowing
Thanks sir I hope it will work
Not worked but I’m still trying my 100%
Thank you!!
Sir my parents I telling me that you have to study not to make a career in cricket so I don’t know how to convince them .At some time I am depressed and thinking about can I play the cricket this type of question is still in my mind how can I face them plzz sir give me an answer
Best article for me
Hello sir,
I am in class 9 my father is a professor in teachers traing college.I have much more intrest in cricket. But my parents are not allowing me to play cricket and even they are not allowing me to go to field and play cricket with my friends. I am trying to convince my parents for 2 years and they are not still convinced. And cricket academy is also about 2 km away from my house and I also don’t have any cycle and they also not purchasing a cycle for me. Sometimes I go to depression and start crying alone. If I will go to play cricket I will give my 200% but my parents are not allowing me. Please suggest any way to get out of this problem.
Thanks sir it means a lot to me i doesn’t like to study but my parents force to read in case what is the use of reading it’s waste of time instead we can join a academy and start our dream process but my parents are completely against it give me a suggestion for this particular question
Thanks 😃
Waiting for your answer sir
Hi sir a big thanks to you to give me confidence that I will be a cricketer
I needed this article. After seeing the comments of others I got to know that I’m not the only one who is suffering.
My parents are against me being a cricketer but still I go to academies and watch them play and learn skills. I do shadow practicing and I do speed,agility and fitness so that it will be easier for me if I once join the academy after my parents give permission .
I’m trying to convince my parents from long time,I’m not giving up. This quote which you said “A sportsperson never gives up. They find out the way to cross the hurdle and win the game ” This made me get confidence that I can convience my parents.